Do you have the ambition to let us both grow?
Join the team
Are you a FileMaker or Vue.js expert and interested in working together or joining the team, please feel free to contact us.
Become a partner
Loggix is interested in partnerships with SMB's that feel that collaboration in our common field yields more than working alone.

Started in IT in 1993 as founder of MacSense, an Apple service and Support company and with that FileMaker Guru from day one. As creative entrepreneur founder of multiple successful companies with a focus on smooth en efficient operations. Draw back: A little too pixel perfect sometimes.

Certified FileMaker Developer
Joined Loggix in 2021, graduated from Savitribai Phule University in Pune India and is the Director of the Indian branche of Loggix. In 2023 he became certified Senior FileMaker developer, working independently on projects and having broad skills in API development.
"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading"

Certified FileMaker Developer
Joined Loggix in 2022 as in intern, not knowing really what the future would bring. Graduated from Savitribai Phule University in Pune India. Fell in love with FileMaker and is now product owner and thus responsible for one of SaaS products. Working closely with his Vue.js team members, optimising process is one of his favorite passed times.
"Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else."

Junior FileMaker Developer
As our youngest Filemaker Developer Mayank joined Loggix in 2023. Being fresh out of Savitribai Phule University in Pune India he had some adjustment to do but dried up perfectly fine. With the help of senior team members he works on serious FileMaker project in which he has one-on-one contact with clients. Big pre is his perfect English and his patience.
"With our thoughts we make the world."

Senior Vue.js Developer
When Loggix extended her product portfolio in 2023. Ashish was the first to join. Unfamiliar with FMBetterForms and FileMaker it took him less then one month to show us the power of the combined FileMaker and FMBetterForms products. Currently Ashish is product owner of 'ScrumBan', one of the in-house products Loggix is currently developing.
"He is able who thinks he is able."

Senior Vue.js Developer
Daxit, for many years working with native frameworks and Vue.js specialist joined Loggix at the end of 2023. Right from the start he dug into our first SaaS product and made it work within months. Currently he is working, together with his FileMaker counterpart Shantanu, on the last few tasks of the Safetysys SaaS product.
"What you are is what you have been. What you'll be is what you do now."

Senior Vue.js Developer
The newest member to join Loggix is Janvi. She is from Surat and is a junior Vue.js developer. She is currently going through the learning stages in which we teach her how the triangle of products, Filemaker, Vue.js and FMBetterForms work together. Janvi already adds a lot of value in our weekly Friday news mornings and is a great asset to the team.
"If you are facing in the right direction, all you need to do is keep on walking."

Technologist and Ai specialist
Our software development work involves more and more integrations based on Ai. This is where Mike comes in. Working form Auckland New Zealand Mikes is currently involved in our home-grown Pinnio concept (going live in 2025).
AI might be a powerful technology, but things won't get better simply by adding AI."
Vivienne Ming

Team Vietnam
Native React Developers
Our partners in Vietnam, with which we are solidly working with over the last 4 years, are great mobile developers with pretty much limitless capabilities. Our latest venture spans a mobile app with a full blown Ai integration.
"Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation, there is sure to be failure."